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Which scenario would best fit in a dystopian story?
A. Fairy tale characters find themselves imprisoned on an island by a wicked witch; they must work together to defeat her in order to leave the island.
B. A police officer finds himself trapped in an abandoned prison an must team up with a robot to escape
C. A detective searches frantically for clues to the whereabouts of InfernoMan before he burns down the city.
D. New laws have created a speechless world where communication is only through texting; a young girl begins an underground movement to restore the world as it once was.

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  • auroraborealis


    D. New laws have created a speechless world where communication is only through texting; a young girl begins an underground movement to restore the world as it once was.


    Utopia is a perfect, prosperous and free society where there are no crimes, poverty, tyranny ets. Although alluring, utopia is impossible.

    Now that we know this, we can define dystopia, which is basically opposite in every sense. There is only an illusion of freedom, people are, in different ways, controlled by authoritative and strict laws and totalitarian government or ruler, history is being rewritten and facts manipulated, there is a constant sense of fear, oppression and obedience, elements of dehumanization are present, people may be completely brainwashed into believing that is the way it should be or they are to scared to try and change things and usually there is a hero, a person or a group of people, who tries to make things right or the way they were before.

  • s9158314


    D. New laws have created a speechless world where communication is only through texting; a young girl begins an underground movement to restore the world as it once was.
