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What was the result of shays rebellion?

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    As a result of Shay's rebellion, a number of people, who had previously opposed the idea, came over to the side that that the United States needed a different type of government from the Articles of Confederation. As a result they went along with the idea for a Constitutional Convention. The constitutional convention decided they needed a way for the National Government to act against a rebellion when congress was not in session. Congress had not been in session during Shay's Rebellion and no one could authorize national military action against the rebellion. As a result they made the President the Commander in Chief of the Military Forces. The President would always be on duty. He could always take action.
    shays' rebellion? it showed the people that the us govt was willing to use force when necessary to keep peace and 2 protect the constitution. it also showed that if citizens wanted 2 change a law, they had to do so peaceful.
    I hope this helps.