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W is the midpoint of VX and Z is the midpoint of VY . If XY=p and WZ=p–30, what is WZ?

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  • TheAnimeGirl

     \large{ \tt{❃ \: EXPLANATION}} :

    • You'll have to know : Mid-point theorem states that A straight line segment joining the mid-points of any two triangle is parallel to the third side and it is equal to half of the length of the third side.

    • We're provided : XY = p , WZ = p - 30 & we're asked to find out the value of WZ. For that , firstly we have to find out the value of p.

     \large{ \tt{❁ \: LET'S \: START }: }

    • Set up an equation & solve for p :

     \large{ \bf{☄ \: p  - 30 =  \frac{1}{2}  p }}

     \large{ \tt{↦ \frac{1}{2} p = p - 30}}

     \large{ \tt{↦ \frac{1}{2} p - p =  - 30}}

     \large{ \tt{↦ \frac{p - 2p}{2} =  - 30 }}

     \large{ \tt{↦p - 2p =  - 60}}

     \large{ \tt{ ↦ \: - p =  - 60}}

     \large{ \tt{↦p = 60}}

    • The value of p is 60

     \large{ \tt{❇ \: REPLACING \: VALUE}} :

     \large{ \tt{↬ \: wz = p - 30 =  60 - 30 =   \boxed{\boxed{ \tt{30 }} }✔}}

    • Hence , WZ = 30 .

    ♪ Success is not a magic or miracle , it's not a luck , it's full of late night hard work , compromises & sacrifices.

    ♡ Hope I helped ! ツ

    ☼ Have a wonderful day / night ! ☃

    # StayInAndExplore ! ☂
