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Archaeologists have found that people lived on the North American continent many years ago. Many archaeologists think these people came to this land by crossing the Bering Strait between Asia and Alaska. Although no one knows exactly how and when the earliest settlers came to North America, the reason why they came is known--they came to find food. During the winter these nomads would set up camps and waited for spring before moving on. In the spring and summer they would lead their herds to good grazing land. Eventually, these people crossed over from Asia onto the North American continent.

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  • gravesval0902


    Please read below. :)


    According to archaeologists, people have lived on the North American landmass for many years. Experts in the field believe that people migrated to North American through the Bering Strait, found between Asia and Alaska. The reason as to how, and why people migrated to this great land mass is unknown, but we do know they came in search of food. During the frigid winters, these early settlers would pitch temporary homes, and wait until the spring to move onward. During the months of spring and summer, they would find grazing lands for their herds to feed! After some time, these people would finally reach North America, after a long and tiring journey from Asia.