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Put the choices in order to answer the question:
What effect did British colonization have on the Aborigines?

A. The British began colonizing Australia and encountered the native peoples.
B.The British learned how to live in the harsh Australian climate by learning from the Aborigines.
C. British settlers grew more accustomed to the land and attempted to take it from the Aborigines, usually by force.
D. Great Britain explored Australia in the late 1700s.
E. Disease demolished over half of the native population, and native languages were nearly wiped out.
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  • GeoPanther

    The correct order is:

    1. D. Great Britain explored Australia in the late 1700s.

    2. A. The British began colonizing Australia and encountered the native peoples.

    3. B.The British learned how to live in the harsh Australian climate by learning from the Aborigines.

    4. E. Disease demolished over half of the native population, and native languages were nearly wiped out.

    5. C. British settlers grew more accustomed to the land and attempted to take it from the Aborigines, usually by force.

    The British explored Australia in the 1700's and after seeing it as suitable land for making settlements they started settling it, initially with prisoners. The new settlers encountered the native people, and they also learned how to survive in the new environment. Because of the diseases that the European settlers brought with them, big portion of the native people were wiped out as their organisms didn't had defense mechanisms for those diseases. In meantime, the European settlers grew more accustomed to the conditions in Australia, and they started to expand and take more and more land. That was usually going on by using force. The Europeans turned their backs to the native people and even were systematically committing genocide in multiple ways in order to wipe them out as a race.