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One object has a velocity of -4 feet per second. Another object has a velocity of 3 feet per second. Which object has the greater speed? Explain your answer

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  • sqdancefan

    9514 1404 393


      the first object with velocity -4 ft/s

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Speed is the magnitude of velocity. The first object's speed is ...

      |-4 ft/s| = 4 ft/s

    The second object's speed is ...

      |3 ft/s| = 3 ft/s

    The first object's speed is greater.

  • taejm76


    the first object -4 f/s

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Most people would say 3 is faster because -4 is less that positive 3 but the correct answer is that-4 is faster. Even though it is a negative 4 is still bigger than 3.