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  • sqdancefan



    When light bounces back, it is reflected. (That's why you see your reflection in a mirror.) When light is bent from the path it is taking, it is refracted. The only answer choice that makes correct use of these terms is the third choice:

    • Part of the ray is refracted into ray B; part of the ray is reflected as ray R.



    The index of refraction is the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction. Both angles are measured from the normal to the surface. The angle of refraction here is 12.5° less than the angle of incidence, 44°, so is 31.5°. Then the index of refraction of the medium is ...

      n = sin(44°)/sin(31.5°) = 0.69466/0.52250 = 1.3299 ≈ 1.33

    • none of the offered choices is correct. The closest is 1.34.