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Gravity is a force that attracts objects toward each other. Anything with mass has a gravitational pull. While everyday objects like tables and chairs have mass, their masses are not large enough to have significant amounts of gravitational force. Effects of gravity are more obvious when observing massive objects like planets and moons. Think about how gravity affects massive objects in the solar system.

Choose all correct statements about the effects of gravity of Earth, the moon, and within space.

The moon has less gravitational force than Earth because it is smaller and has less mass.

The orbit of each planet in the solar system is controlled by its moon(s).

Earth's tides are affected most by the Sun's gravitational force.

Mass is the force that holds people and objects to the Earth's surface.

The Sun's gravitational pull is what keeps the planets in its solar system in orbit.

The Sun has more gravity than any planet in the solar system because it has the most mass.

30 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brainliest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

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  • GeoPanther

    The correct statements are:

    - The moon has less gravitational force than Earth because it is smaller and has less mass;

    The Moon is smaller than the Earth, and also it has much less mass than the Earth, its mass actually being extremely small for its size, and that in turn results with a much lesser gravitational pull by the Moon.

    - The Sun's gravitational pull is what keeps the planets in its solar system in orbit;

    The Sun has a very large mass, much larger than the planets, so its gravitational pull is what keeps them all in the solar system and doesn't allow them to wander out into the open space.

    - The Sun has more gravity than any planet in the solar system because it has the most mass;

    The Sun has the most mass in the solar system by far. If all planets are combined together they will still have much lesser mass than the Sun on its own.

  • ariston


    The moon has less gravitational force than Earth because it is smaller and has less mass.

    The Sun's gravitational pull is what keeps the planets in its solar system in orbit.

    The Sun has more gravity than any planet in the solar system because it has the most mass.


    Gravitational force is an attractive force which exists between any two objects which have mass. It is directly proportional to mass of the two objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

    The moon exerts less gravitational force because it is smaller in size and mass.

    The Sun has 99% of the mass of the entire solar system. It has mass greater than any other planet of the Solar system. It is the Sun's gravitational pull which keeps the planets in their orbits around the sun.

    Tides on the Earth effected by the moon as it is closer more than the Sun.

    Gravity (Weight) is the force that holds people and objects to the Earth's surface.