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Find the height of a parallelogram with base 9.44 meters and area 70.8 square feet

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  • monsterh84

    The height of a parallelogram is 2.28 feet (0.7 meter).

    What is a Parallelogram?

    • It is a 4-sided polygon with 2 pairs of parallel lines.
    • Length of the opposite sides are equal and the measure of the opposite angles are also equal.
    • Lateral sides are not perpendicular to the base but the base and the height are perpendicular to each other.

    Given: For a Parallelogram,

    Base = 9.44 meters

            = 30.97 feet               (1 meter = 3.28 feet)

    Area = 70.8 square feet

    We need to find the height of the parallelogram.

    The area of parallelogram is:

    ⇒ Area = Base × Height

    ⇒ 70..8 = 30.97 × Height

    ⇒ Height = 70.8/30.97

    ⇒ Height = 2.28 feet

    ⇒ Height = 0.7 meter

    Therefore, for the given base and area, the height of the parallelogram will be 2.28 feet (0.7 meter).

    Learn more about Parallelogram here: brainly.com/question/17225101?referrer=searchResults


  • tutorconsortium004


    H=7.5 meters

    Step-by-step explanation:


    70.8=9.44h    Substitute the variables for the actual amount

    7.5=h              Divide by 9.44 on both sides to get your answer

    Hope this helps! :D