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During the Apollo missions between 1961-1972, they successfully landed on the moon 5 times starting in 1969. It should be noted that they also successfully lifted off from the surface of the moon. What is the escape velocity for lunar module? Lunar module mass 15,200 kg radius of moon 1.74x106m, mass of moon 7.34x1022kg

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  • jcherry99

    The escape velocity formula has nothing to do with what is trying to escape. That means that the mass of the lunar module is not needed.


    v = sqrt( (2 * G  * M) / R)


    v = ??

    G = 6.67 * 10^-11 This is the gravitational constant.

    M = 7.34 * 10^22 kg

    R = 1.74 * 10^6 m


    v = sqrt( 2 * 6.67 * 10^- 11 * 7.34*10^22/1.74*10^6)

    v = sqrt(9.79156* 10^12 / 1.74 * 10^6)

    v = sqrt(5.627 * 10^6)

    v = 2372 m/s