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Strange weapons of world war I

The First World War, was the first war in which the

industrial revolution significantly contributed to the

modernization of warfare. Weapons of war could now be

made on a mass scale because of the development of

factories and assembly lines. Also, new technologies

could be adapted and applied to make advanced

weaponry that could cause massive casualties. For

instance, the plane would become the perfect technology

used to drop bombs. The industrialization and

modernization of weapons made it easier for the Allies

and Central Powers to kill. Hence, WWI become known

as one of the bloodiest wars of all time. The total number

of military and civilian casualties in World War I was more

than 38 million; there were over 17 million deaths and 20

million wounded.

Interestingly, early in the war, the Allies and Central

Powers would both be forced to dig trenches in order

to avoid being killed by new weapons of war and be

over taken. Hundreds of miles of trenches stretched

across the frontlines. Trench warfare would become a

way of life for both sides as well as a key defensive

strategy. The use of trenches would also cause a

stalemate in the war where both sides struggled to

make progress in the war. The use of trenches in the

war would lead to designers and military engineers to

develop many strange weapons and contraptions in an effort to gain an advantage in the war.

Brewster Body Shield. Was the first effective body armor developed for U.S. Army in WWI

Answer each question with a complete sentence

1. What contributed to the modernization of war in WWI?

2. What allowed for the mass production of weapons in WWI?

3. What did industrialization and modernization make it easier for both sides to do?

4. How many people were killed and wounded in WWI?

5. What were both sides forced to do in order to avoid being killed and overtaken?

6. What would the use of trenches in WWI lead to the designing and development of?

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  • LittleAngel36

    1)What contributed to the modernization of war in WWI?

    Answer: Germany's policy of unchecked submarine aggression against shipping interests headed to Great Britain helped bring the United States into World War I.

    2) What allowed for the mass production of weapons in WWI?

    Answer: Mass production permitted great increases in total production. Mass production allowed the evolution of consumerism by lowering the unit cost of many goods used.

    3) What did industrialization and modernization make it easier for both sides to do?

    Answer: is by undergoing the comprehensive transformation of industrialization that societies become modern. Modernization is a continuous and open-ended process.

    4) How many people were killed and wounded in WWI?

    Answer: The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. 

    5) What were both sides forced to do in order to avoid being killed and overtaken?

    Answer: Both sides concentrated on breaking up enemy attacks and on protecting their own troops by digging deep into the ground.

    6) What would the use of trenches in WWI lead to the designing and development of?

    Answer: During World War I, trench warfare was a defensive military tactic used extensively by both sides, allowing soldiers some protection from enemy fire but also hindering troops from readily advancing and thus prolonging the war.