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(Based on todays review)

  • jcherry99


    Newton was the first to perform the experiment of a beam of sunlight travelling through a prism. If you hunt this down on the internet, you will find that the whole spectrum of visible light is in a ray coming from the sun. The diagram below shows what he did. Sorry! I can't get the diagram to upload.

    So the answer has to be B.


    You have to translate 180 days to seconds.

    180 days [24/1 day] [3600 sec/1 hour] = 15552000 second

    d = r*t

    d = ?

    r= 3*10^8 m/s

    t = 15552000 second

    d = 3*10^8 * 15552000

    d = 467 * 10^15 meters which is D