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After reading about the adventures that Ulysses and his men underwent, create a new adventure for him. Be sure that you include supernatural intervention. Your story should be at least 200 words. You may create your own illustrations or find illustrations from other sources !!

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  • AnimeBrainly

    After the fall of Troy, Odysseus sets out to return home to his homeland of Ithaca, following the ten-year Trojan War. On his way, he meets many perils that deprive him of his possessions, his man, & even his own status.
    Three days out at sea following the start of the adventure, Odysseus's ship & the rest of the convoy were separated due to a storm. After the storm, Odysseus finds out that he was lost, and that only with the hand of God can he get home. 
    After getting lost, land was sighted at 14.5994°S, 28.6731°W (made this up), & they decided to dock there to replenish any supplies. After sending a scout party that failed to return, Odysseus led a group to explore the land. They soon came to a cave that seemed like it had occupants, however, the master of the house was not there. Odysseus decided to take some of the food & wait for the master of the house. Suddenly, the master came back at Night, & asked the intruders what they were doing. He, after finding out that Odysseus was looking for food & directions, trapped them inside & ate 4 out of 15 of his mates. Shocked, the last of his men sworn revenge, and came up with a plan to kill the master. The next day, for breakfast, the master of the house dwindled the amount of men Odysseus had down to 7. On the return from checking the island, Odysseus gave the master a drink. He then quickly finished off the slumbering monster & escaped through a small crack & left on his ship back home.

    At -12.998426°S, -38.552154°E, Odysseus went through a narrow strait, and battled off the monster & the natives of the land, reducing his overall crew to 900. On top of that, he met a whirling pool & a kraken, which destroyed all but one of his ships.

    Weary of the sea, and defeated by nature & the gods, Odysseus landed  at 19.8968°N, 155.5828°W, to make a sacrifice.(& because there isn't enough space, Ill just skip the the back. You can fill in some stuff)


    With that, Odysseus made it back, with the help of the indigenous tribes located at Present-day Morocco, & returned back to Greece safe, but broken because of the lose of his men & his ships.