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A town government is designing a new bus system and are deciding where to put the different bus stops. They want to pick the collection of locations that minimizes the distance anyone needs to walk in order to get to at least one bus stop. What term best defines the kind of problem?

An optimization problem

An undecidable problem

An efficiency problem

A decision problem

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  • Palky

    The term which best defines this kind of problem is: A. An optimization problem.

    A problem can be defined as an issue or challenge encountered by an individual, which typically requires a solution.

    Basically, a problem is considered to either be simple or complex, depending on the individual, parameters, and factors that are involved.

    Generally, there are four (4) main kinds of problem and these include:

    • An undecidable problem.
    • A decision problem.
    • An efficiency problem.
    • An optimization problem.

    An optimization problem determines the best solution to a problem, from a list of feasible solutions.

    Hence, an optimization problem can be used to pick a collection of locations that are likely to minimize the distance anyone needs to walk, so as to get to at least one bus stop.

    Read more: brainly.com/question/22828534

  • Lanuel


    Optimisation Problem


    Optimisation Problem is a mathematical economics, computer science problem - which finds the best solution from all feasible solutions (based on constraints & other aspects).

    The problem might be in form of maximisation or minimisation. The bus system designing is based on minimizing walking distance. Thus is an optimisation problem.