3 the distance from the fulcrum

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On a balanced seesaw, a boy three times as heavy as his partner sits
1/3 the distance from the fulcrum
less than 1/3 the distance from the fulcrum
more than 1/3 the distance from the fulcrum

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  • skyluke89


    1/3 the distance from the fulcrum


    On a balanced seesaw, the torques around the fulcrum calculated on one side and on another side must be equal. This means that:

    W_1 d_1 = W_2 d_2


    W1 is the weight of the boy

    d1 is its distance from the fulcrum

    W2 is the weight of his partner

    d2 is the distance of the partner from the fulcrum

    In this problem, we know that the boy is three times as heavy as his partner, so

    W_1 = 3 W_2

    If we substitute this into the equation, we find:

    (3 W_2) d_1 = W_2 d_2

    and by simplifying:

    3 d_1 = d_2\\d_1 = \frac{1}{3}d_2

    which means that the boy sits at 1/3 the distance from the fulcrum.